Wondrous Boccaccio in HD Video
Now you can play full Wondrous Boccaccio in best video format with duration 120 Min and was published in 2015-02-26 with MPAA rating is 0.- Original Title : Meraviglioso Boccaccio
- Movie title in your country : Wondrous Boccaccio
- Year of movie : 2015
- Genres of movie : History,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2015-02-26
- Companies of movie : Rai Cinema, Stemal Entertainment, Cinemaundici,
- Countries of movie : France, Italy,
- Language of movie : Italiano,
- Durationof movie : 120 Min
- Average vote of movie : 0
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie : EN,IT,
- Actors of movie :
- Kasia Smutniak ( Ghismunda )
- Riccardo Scamarcio ( Gentile Carisendi )
- Jasmine Trinca ( Giovanna )
- Vittoria Puccini ( Catalina )
- Rosabell Laurenti Sellers ( Filomena )
- Kim Rossi Stuart ( Calandrino )
- Carolina Crescentini ( )
- Paola Cortellesi ( )
- Flavio Parenti ( )
- Michele Riondino ( )
- Miriam Dalmazio ( )
- Eugenia Costantini ( )
- Josafat Vagni ( )
- Lello Arena ( )
- Marco Iermanò ( )
Movie summary of Wondrous Boccaccio :
Best Wondrous Boccaccio in High Definition Format with movie summary "It's 1348. The plague has brutally hit Florence. A group of then young people, seven women and three men, rebel against the feeling of death that is about to swallow them. They flee the city and find refuge in an abandoned villa in the Tuscan hills. Here, between moral doubts and the tasks needed to survive, they kill time by telling each other stories until they will decide to return. The stories are varied - tragic, bizarre, funny or erotic - but common and central to all of them is the female presence." in top quality. Best Wondrous Boccaccio in High Quality Video by push of the button link.
... Full Length of Wondrous Boccaccio in HD Format 720p ...
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Cinematography : Carmelo Travia, Music : Carmelo Travia, Music : Giuliano Taviani, Editor : Roberto Perpignani, Production Design : Emita Frigato, Original Story : Giovanni Boccaccio, Writer : Paolo Taviani, Director : Paolo Taviani, Writer : Vittorio Taviani, Director : Vittorio Taviani,
Of course, now you can enjoy movie of Wondrous Boccaccio in full length and obtain the url to this movie Wondrous Boccaccio in high definition format.
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